Saturday, September 1, 2012

September Update!

Happy Kalends of September everyone!  The business re-vamp launch so far has gone a little shakily with hiccups here and there, but overall is going well.  I did some major re-branding which still has a few things within it to work out, namely a new profile picture because I want to keep my image up to date.  I have some additional plans to meet with my photographer for some in progress shoots to illustrate my handiwork with photos that I just cannot take myself.

I've renamed the business officially, something that better resonates with my message and offers a bit more clarity as well.  This includes changing my tag line as well.

Although several edits are planned after this, most of them are merely "fine tuning" (eg. a slight change in the color palette).

I've continued to add some of my "hidden stock" to the store fronts on Storenvy & my new official site, even making a few new products.  The new watermark is in effect and I've been making use of it as I do some re-shoots of products for better display and to fit my new branding.

With the new branding there are several updates to my web presences:

Have summed up my working relationship with Laura Roeder and her crew I started some work with Laura C. George who has been a wonderful catalyst for many of the changes that have been undertaken through August.

What I've got planned for this month...

  • I'm doing a mass overhaul on my pricing system.  It's going to be a more intuitively based pricing, with some considerations in mind for the "bottom line" that I believe will suit me better.  Instead of the onesies & twosies I've been able to re-price this will be EVERYthing.  Some things will go up, others down, and I'm sure some things will stay around the same - so if you want to get something on the current pricing get it now!
  • After pricing will be an updating of some copy, I have to admit being less than pleased with some of it but that will soon be all in the past : ).
  • My website will be undergoing some additional changes to simplify the buying process, which will be coupled with some changes in my shipping policies (there will be no shipping outside of the US on my official site, although it will still be available on Storenvy.)
  • A continuation of some general and behind-the-scenes revamps in my business processes.
And for our special blog followers our Mabon/Autumn Equinox coupon - this is valid 9/11 through 9/18, allowing an order to be placed, received, and shipped to arrive by the sabbat!  Use "M4B0N" at checkout at StorEnvy, or Our Official Site* for 30% off anything in the store - Limit one use per buyer!

*Coupon will be applied to the most expensive item after order is complete and refund will be sent with the Paypal email you have used.

Happy Crafting,
Aradia's Hand

A work of art is the unique result of a unique temperament.
Oscar Wilde

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