Monday, September 13, 2010

Three-Color Square Mosaic Afghan

This is the beginning of a three color square block afghan. Each square is composed of a combination of 3 x 3 squares each made of three colors in a set number of patterns: ABC, BCA, CAB. (I decided not to make it too complicated by making all of the possible color combinations of the three and just switch them up simply.) As of now this afghan is intended to keep personally, however I do not object to making another one of similar design and/or color.

My First Quilting Project...

It's All (S)Crap!

Really it's just me tinkering around with fabric scraps. Nothing fancy or even visually attractive I might add (in fact I'll go so far as to say it is in fact hideous.) But really it's an experiment so I can take all the artistic license I want with it! HA! Whether it gets sold or not and when is all up in the air and may remain so as it's my 'first' so I might keep it for artistic/sentimental value. Nonetheless, there it is! :D Keep a paper bag handy.

Hot Runs Cold Blanket...

One of the many "ooo I wonder what will happen with these two colors intermingled..." projects that I have started. As an artist I really love "hot" and "cold" colors and putting them together and it just so happened that I had the perfect variegated yarn to accomplish this feet.

I am keeping it simple for the moment (read I ran out of one of the colors so I can't keep working on it at the moment), but may decide to incorporate other colors and rename the project...
