Thursday, June 28, 2012

June Book Review - The Crafter's Guide to Pricing Your Work by Dan Ramsey

This book provides a concise approach to pricing your work.  Designed from a business perspective for the non-business mind it outlines different pricing models and details how they work (and don't work).  In the first chapter Dan provides a clear explanation of the different elements of pricing and how to put them together to price your craft personally to how you work and what you would like to get out of it.  The second through the sixth chapters go on to cover pricing elements specific to certain crafts.  Some notes are made about considerations of professionals pricing these specific crafts and a sample studio rate range.  The final chapter covers venues in which to sell your work and other business details to help increase profits.  Finally at the end is a hand glossary and appendix of forms useful in learning to price your work.

Overall we give the book 4 out of 5 stars.  Dan's models are not for everyone, and definitely not for an idle hobbyist who might only be considering pricing.  At times the details seem a little confusing to someone who may not have a "business mindset".  One must learn to choose what ultimately choose which of the models works best with how one does business.  For the serious crafter wanting to venture into the business world this is a valuable read.

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