Monday, October 10, 2011

October (& Belated September) Updates!

Somehow I managed to completely miss doing my Kalends (first of the month) post for September and am rather tardy for October as well...I can honestly say that I don't even know where the time has gone.  For the last few weeks it's been swallowed up by insomnia and a sick child however.

In the time that I've been away however several changes have been made.  All of the years (into 2012) coupons have been made for the store on Artfire, including a 30% off one for each month that has a sabbat in it.  Some of our other revamps haven't made it public yet (like adding more product) but they are scheduled for this month as the holiday season draws nigh!

Our current WIPs include:

  • Lori's "Lace Window Scarf"
  • a "Gratitude Shawl" for a friend (it's a secret to whom it's being made for so we won't name them here)
You'll notice that this is less than our usual 3 a day but recently we cinched up the production on another gift - "Good Luck Bear - Carebear Rug" until more supplies are purchased (the binding & backing), the same with our "Nicole Striped Hat" which we underestimated the yardage needed somehow. o.O  With the freeing up of additional time the extra hour will likely be devoted to our commissioned piece as we had to take a week off from production.

Some of our pricing is undergoing a revamp as we've re-worked our formula.  Rather than have a "base price" (profit we'll make) we're negating that and tallying an hourly wage which in some cases may change our pricing.  However, as an artist this is more fair to us given the amount of work we've put in.  To be reasonable we've instituted a sliding scale with brackets for different amounts of hours so that none of our prices are outrageous (this is especially beneficial to the customer for labor intensive pieces like cross stitch).

Two commissions have been accepted, though there is a new rule being instituted of us only working on 1 custom ordered piece at a time, with the other two project hours being devoted to pieces already in our queue.  As custom orders are very labor intensive not only in the production arena, but also in the design process taking on one to work on at a time seemed more time efficient.  While we will never turn down a custom order customers are made aware of our time constraints when the order is accepted.

Thanks for stopping by, see you in November!

And don't forget to visit the store, we currently have a 30% off coupon for October - use code "S4MH4IN" at check out!
