Sunday, August 7, 2011

August Updates!

I'm a bit late as this should have been done last month and for this month a week earlier but having a baby has decreased the amount of time to "spare" we have available by a drastically large amount and much more than I had anticipated.  However, I'm getting back into the swing of things and have caught up on a number of things and will be finishing several things up this month *fingers crossed*.  Throughout July I was unable to get much of anything done project or business-wise unfortunately.

Some new improvements to Artfire's site have allowed us to make coupons and to help celebrate that and our holiday this month we'll be taking 30% off all our throws for the month of August.  We also will need to visually revamp the site and some of the layout and outlook as several viewing options have changed, some positive, others not so much (IMHO).

In our queue we have a number of projects but first and foremost is a back order for a pair of armwarmers.  After that we have a few "charity" projects (a gratitude shawl for a mentor, a plastic bag holder for a roommate, a rug for my sister).  What's left over are things that were already present and really it's all a matter of what we'd like to work on first and what we can work on.

Only a few months ago we had implemented a new schedule which has been so far serving us.  While four hours just doesn't seem like a lot of time the steady work on a few projects has given us headway.

For the remainder of the month our goals are just to keep plugging away marking things off our queue and bring back some old items we haven't offered in awhile (like our bath salts) and perhaps bring some new herbal products in...
